Kinesiology Tape, Osteopathy, and Time for Carpus Valgus in Foal

Kinesiology Tape, Osteopathy, and Time for Carpus Valgus Limb Deformity in Foal

Pendleton was born on 7/16/2022. He was born with very long legs and came out slightly crooked. At one month of age, he had a clear Carpus Valgus limb deformity mainly on the right limb but also on the left. I took him home at this point to help. He had never been handled before, so luckily he was naturally friendly and gentle in disposition. To help correct this issue, I started by using kinesiology tape. This aided with circulation, support, and stabilization of his front limbs. I noticed a significant decrease in the angle of the limb deformity within a few days. After two weeks when he became easier to handle, I did add in an osteopathic treatment to make sure his musculoskeletal and cranial-sacral systems were mobile, moving correctly, and to relax tension within the fascia. I did find a few immobilities that needed to be addressed here. Within one month of starting the treatment, Pendleton was mostly straight so I turned him out with the herd to let nature do the rest. After five days, I checked up on him and nature was doing just that. He continues to look straighter and stronger as time goes by.